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recent information belowArtemisia information and links
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recent information belowArtemisia information and links
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recent information belowArtemisia information and links
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to be updated soon!

"talent to burn..."-Fanfare
The 2023 recipient of the American Academy of Arts & Letters Charles Ives Opera Award ($50,000)with librettist Ginger Strand for their opera Artemisia
an opera about Artemisia Gentileschi, fueled by passion, betrayal and art in 17th Century Italy

"The Genuine Article..onto the season's 'best list' it goes" -Boston Globe
"Artemisia” lasts just 80 minutes, but fits in big themes set to music of quivering intensity.
The story of the rape is there, blended with Gentileschi’s unbearably compassionate painting of the biblical character Susanna, who was ogled and shamed in her bath. But larger questions of idea and form, image and projection, sight and gaze also find nuanced and intelligent treatment." CORINNA da FONSECA-WOLLHEIM
NY Times review https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/08/arts/music/classical-music-youtube.html
SF Classical Voice
"Left Coast Chamber Ensemble Proves That Great Opera Needn’t Be Grand"
"Laura Schwendinger's Artemisia, on the other hand, is sumptuous on every level...Schwendinger’s score is striking. ..Tommaso’s aria, a breathtaking piece of worry and longing...Most memorably, the music underscores Artemisia’s deteriorating vision."
Oct. 8, 2022
Nightingales (17:00) for two violins and orchestra,
Featuring Eleanor Bartsch, Ariana Kim and the UWSO with Oriol Sans conducting.

Projects, premieres, works, performances with 2023 Collage New Music, Atlanta Symphony Principal harpist Elizabeth rely Johnson, Earplay, Spektral Quartet Bernard Rands Effect, PANdemonium4, Eleanor and Alice Bartsch with the UW and Dubuque Symphonies, Triopolis, Vocal Ensemble Artemisia, Cabaret of Shadows with Musiqa in Houston, Hawk's Nest Northwestern Sax Ensemble and the Black Oak Ensemble.
In 2023/ 2024 premieres with Drew Whiting, Matthew Koester,
text settings with Duo Cortona. Planned works include new pieces for Cantori - New York and for baritone Stephen Salters.
New Sax work for Drew Whiting
October 2023
Oct. 1/2, 2022
Nightingales (17:00) for two violins and orchestra,
Featuring Eleanor Bartsch, Ariana Kim and the Dubuque Symphony Orchestra. William Intrilligator, Directing.
Excerpts from Artemisia performed at the American Academy of Arts and Letter, New York.
October 2023
August 5, 2023
May 18, 2023
April 29, 2023
April 23, 2023
Chicago Classical Reader review of Black Oak Ensemble
"The Black Oak Ensemble demonstrated their bona fides in Laura Schwendinger’s una brevissima canzone senza parole, a short work adapted from her string quartet una brevecanzone senza parole. The trio upholstered the piece’s melancholic clusters chords with velvet sonority, making sensitive adjustments in timbral character as Pederzoli’s mournful viola incantations emerged and re-submerged into the texture."
Una Bevissimo Canzone Senza Parole, for string trio
BLACK OAK Ensemble at Epiphany Arts space,
A Concerto for piano, based on Second Sight
Chicago Composer's Orchestra
Christopher Taylor, piano
Fluorescenza, Matt Haimovitz's Primavera project at BargeMusic in Brooklyn, NY.
Feb. 25, 2023
Second Sight for Elizabeth Remy Johnson, Principal Harp, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
Emory University Orchestra at 100.
Feb. 16, 2023
Hawk's Nest, new saxophone ensemble work for Taimur Sullivan's NU Sax Ensemble at
Northwestern University, Evanston IL.
Feb. 2, 2023
Conor Nelson performs Aurora with Christopher Taylor and at other concerts in Spring 2023
Jan. 15, 2023
Collage New Music, Brushstrokes
Oct. 1-2, 2022

Sept., 2022
August, 2022
May, 2022
Sept. 27-28, 2022
Nightingales for Eleanor and Alice Bartsch
Dubuque Symphony Orchestra, and UW Symphony Orchestra
Bogliasco FoundationFellowship and residency
Five Friends Guest Composer, Indiana University
Sinfonietta performed
Copland House award and residency
Visby, Composers Centre Fellowship, Sweden

Currently playing...
VII. Portrait of Adele Bloch Bauer, by Gustav Klimt from
ARTIST'S MUSE, with Chameleon Arts Ensemble
by Laura Schwendinger
March 7
March 14
April 2
April 15
Spektral Quartet, Una Breve Canzona Senza Parole
Bernard Rands Effect
Constellations, Chicago
Madison, WI
Southern IL Univ.
The Bernard Rands Effect, Contellation Chicago
UW Madison, Mead Witter Hall.
On tour (Michigan etc.)
Other projects Recent CD release and
upcoming or in process
March 5, 7 2021
Cabaret of Shadows - A Fromm Foundation Comission
and a chamber opera for Musiqa, about after hours club spaces in Paris at the Belle époque conception collaboration with lighting artist Leni Schwendinger and text by Ginger Strand a 2020 Fromm Foundation Commission awardee
March 1, 2 2022
The Cygnus Ensemble has recorded Footfalls from the acclaimed
"Sounding Beckett" Series
Matt Haimovitz Cello, Primavera Project,
Primavera I: The Wind
Fluorenscenza on Oxingale Records. https://www.pentatonemusic.com/product/oxingale-presents-primavera-i-the-wind/
Over the Misty Mountains with oboist Aaron Hill on CD Solitary Discourse
Durward Ensemble, ECLIPSE
On CD Daughters of Earth
CDS forthcoming on Albany featuring solo piano works
with Christopher Taylor
The Violinists in My Life with Miranda Cuckson and
Flute and piano literature with Christina Jennings and
Kay Ryan Songs featuring Mezzo Patricia Green,
cellist Leonardo Altino and pianist Chrsitopher Taylor
Aug. 4/6, 2021
Tour 2022
July. 20, 2021
Nine Muses, PANdemonium4 presented by the Johnstone Fund for New Music, has been rescheduled. Vanderelli Room's outdoor space with a rain date of Tuesday, August 3 at 7:00 PM
Trace Johnson Cello, playing ALL THE PRETTY HORSES, Madison Arts + Literature Laboratory, Madison WI
Madison New Music Festival
All the Pretty Little Horses (2018) - Laura Schwendinger Trace Johnson, Cello October, 2020
Release date Nov. 2021
Matt Haimovitz Cello, Primavera Project,
Primavera I: The Wind
Fluorenscenza on Oxingale Records. https://www.pentatonemusic.com/product/oxingale-presents-primavera-i-the-wind/
With works by: David Sanford, Vijay Iyer, Jake Heggie, Luna Pearl Woolf, Gabriella Smith, David T. Little, Nkeiru Okoye, Jorge Sosa, inti figgis-vizueta, Roberto Sierra, Asher Sizemore, Tod Machover, Laura Elise Schwendinger, Lisa Bielawa
April 30, 2021
New Music Chicago Presents C3 at Nevermore
7/20 7:30pm

March 15, 2021
ARTEMISIA vocal ensemble, with Chicago Composers Consortium. http://c3composers.org/wordpress3/?p=931 STARS (premiere) and All Those That Love You by Laura Schwendinger
Feb. 21, 2021
Creature Quartet, https://music.uiowa.edu/resources/events/center-new-music-ensemble-iii
Center for Contemporary Music, February 21
Added to JACK Vimeo page here
Jan. 22, 2021
Trace Johnson Cello, playing ALL THE PRETTY HORSES, Madison Arts + Literature Laboratory, Madison WI
Love Sonnets, Baker & Baker presents
Duo Cortona
Friday, January 22 | 7:00 – 8:30 p.m | YouTube
Durward Ensemble, ECLIPSE
On CD Daughters of Earth

January, 2021
Recording session in Marfa TX of Primavera Trasformata for Cello Solo, A Primavera Project Commission from Matt Haimovitz
August 8, 2020
to be
Nonet, Aspen Music Festival.
Tim Weiss-Director, Aspen Contemporary Ensemble, Aspen Music Festival and School
Laura at MacDowell

David Hoose, Joan Tower, Scott Lindroth, Marjorie Merryman and Laura Schwendinger
Collage Concert Jan. 15, 2023
March 2022 The Rands Effect, Spektral at
Aspen Music Festival 2020 Virtual Season Seminar
starts at 7:01
This roundtable discussion focused on the history and currency of the realities facing women composers.
Chaired by Julia Wolfe, the intergenerational participants reflect on their shared heritage as female composers—a lineage in which they are defining members.
Participating composers include Tania León, Missy Mazzoli, and Laura Schwendinger. Joseph Pfender moderates. There will be the opportunity for audience questions through the chat function.
Julia Wolfe
Zosha Di Castri
Tania León
Missy Mazzoli
Jessie Montgomery
Laura Schwendinger
Joan Tower
Joseph Pfender
Staging Artemisia
The artist's life in performance
Discover how Artemisia's story has been told in opera and theatre
Friday, 6 November 2020
6 - 7.15 pm BST; Available online only
Featuring Billy Barrett and Ellice Stevens, co-founders of multimedia performance company Breach, whose play 'It’s True, It’s True, It’s True' is a gripping dramatisation of the 1612 rape trial brought by Artemisia. Also participating are composer Laura Schwendinger and librettist Ginger Strand, whose opera, 'Artemisia', produced in New York and San Francisco, is a riveting portrayal of the artist’s story. Both productions will be made available to attendees following the event.

Worthy new music by Chicago composers receives uneven advocacy at Epiphany
Fri May 19, 2023 at 11:45 am
By Landon Hegedus
The Black Oak Ensemble demonstrated their bona fides in Laura Schwendinger’s una brevissima canzone senza parole, a short work adapted from her string quartet una breve canzone senza parole. The trio upholstered the piece’s melancholic clusters chords with velvet sonority, making sensitive adjustments in timbral character as Pederzoli’s mournful viola incantations emerged and re-submerged into the texture.
The Boston Musical Intelligencer
JANUARY 17, 2023
in: reviews
Expert New Music Advocacy
by Mark DeVoto
About 60 people braved the mushy falling snow on Sunday night to hear Collage New Music’s generally loud but satisfying delivery of four well-wrought and likable works in the relatively small Killian Hall at MIT. The four composers discussed their works beforehand.
Laura Schwendinger’s Brushstrokes led off. The titles of the seven short movements include some painting terms, including “Contrapposto,” which the composer described as “a counterpoint of textures.” This meant a lot of octaves and scales, and figures in paired instruments, setting the tone for ff accents; “Mobile” and “Kinetic Sculpture” responded with bunches and sudden bursts, especially in the upper register (sometimes the cello soared above the treble clef). Softer textures prevailed in the bell chords of no. 5, “Pointillism,” and no. 6, “Sfumato,” trills and tremolos, flute and violin, with brushed cymbal almost suggesting a quiet dance hall. The concluding movement, “Collage” [no connection to the hosting ensemble], brought back the furious octaves of “Contrapposto” with more tremolos and a tango beat, for a short wrapup.
January, 2021 Recording session with Matt Haimovitz, Fluorescenza
in Marfa, TX for the Primaveranzia, LLC Released on Oxingale
Primavera: The Wind
ARTEMISIA and Left Coast Awarded $20,000 from then NEA, through the community engagement program.

The Floating Lounge
C3 Composers Martha Horst and
Laura Schwendinger with the Spektral Quartet
Wednesday, June 17, 2020, 7:30 PM 8:30 PM, Zoom
and New Yorker & reviewed in the NY Times
New York Times Review!
“Artemisia” lasts just 80 minutes, but fits in big themes set to
music of quivering intensity. The story of the rape is there,
blended with Gentileschi’s unbearably compassionate painting
of the biblical character Susanna, who was ogled and shamed
in her bath. But larger questions of idea and form, image and projection, sight and gaze also find nuanced and intelligent treatment." CORINNA da FONSECA-WOLLHEIM
Video at:
From San Francisco Classical Voice,
"Left Coast Chamber Ensemble Proves That Great Opera Needn’t Be Grand"
World premiere of Chamber Version by Left Coast Chamber Ensemble, June 3, 2019
-"Laura Schwendinger's Artemisia, on the other hand, is sumptuous on every level...Schwendinger’s score is striking. Often, it’s the little things, like the intoning of ‘Susanna’: the stressed syllable rising before the terminal fall, a nagging presence grudgingly accepted. Or the resolutions of the diminished fourths in Tommaso’s aria, a breathtaking piece of worry and longing...Most memorably, the music underscores Artemisia’s deteriorating vision. Tender, high-pitched glimmers shift so as to be out of reach. The shadows are flat-sounding chords: impressionistic, but with a distinctly contemporary sensibility.”
- By Rebecca Wishnia; Link to review https://www.sfcv.org/reviews/left-coast-chamber-ensemble/left-coast-chamber-ensemble-proves-that-great-opera-neednt-be
March 28, 31
April 25, 2020
to be
Tripolis; This Flood of Stillness, University of North Texas- College of Music - Musical Arts Series at Southeastern Oklahoma ( Recital Hall ), Chamber Music International Season Fundraising Concert
April 18, 2020
to be
March 16, 2020
For Paris, Wisconsin Chamber Choir Music She Wrote https://www.wisconsinchamberchoir.org/our-season
Guest Speaker, Forum series at Juilliard School
March 1, 2020
NONET, Oberlin Contemporary Music Ensemble: Timothy Weiss, conductor
Feb 16, 2020
Jan. 28, 2020
Jan. 4, 2020
Constellations for flute and percussion. SF Conservatory, Kick-Off Weekend | New Music Ensemble. Nicole Paiement, Director. https://sfcm.edu/performance-calendar/event/kick-weekend-new-music-ensemble
SAN FRANCISCO, Z Space, 450 Florida St, San Francisco, Saturday, June 1/ 2, 2019
Left Coast Chamber Ensemble Proves That Great Opera Needn’t Be Grand
By Rebecca Wishnia , June 3, 2019
World premiere of chamber version
INTERVIEW ON KDFC https://www.kdfc.com/2019/05/artemesia-from-left-coast-chamber-ensemble/
With a libretto by Ginger Strand, Featuring: Artemisia: Bethany Cofland; Tomasso: Kyle Stegall; Susanna: Marnie Breckenridge; Abra/Tuzia: Nikki Einfeld ; Jonathan Smucker and Igor Vieira; Elder 1/ Tassi, Elder 2/ Cosimo, Matilda Hofman, conductor
ARTEMISIA. An opera of passion, betrayal and art in 17th cent Italy. Libretto by Ginger Strand
Trinity Wall Street Novus ( premiere),
Left Coast Ensemble world premiere (new chamber version), Center for Contemporary Opera (60 min preview with piano)
Augusta Caso - Artemisia
Heather Buck - Susanna/ Abra
Oliver Mercer – Agostino Tassi/Elder 1
Christopher Burchett – Cosimo di Medici/Elder 2
Brian Giebler – Tomasso/Occulist
NOVUS NY; Lidiya Yankovskaya, conductor; Christopher Alden, stage director
Yeti, Cupacabra and Nessy from Creature Quartet
8th Annual Caroga Lake Music Festival based in Caroga Lake, NY
Aaron Hill will be touring with Over the Misty Mountains to Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia. He will be playing recitals. I'll be at Southern Miss 3/18, Troy University 3/19-20, UGA 3/22, and spending a day at the Atlanta Music Project 3/23.
June 1, 2 2019
Sept. 28, 2019
March 2, 5 2019
Feb. 8, 2020
Eastman School, Rochester
Feb. 3, 2020
Aug 30,
Thrive Music, Baltimore
March 18
22 2019

March 24
Brescia Italy,High Wire Acts
dèdalo ensemble
flute Daniela Cima, clarinet Nicola Zuccalà, violins Giacomo Invernizzi and Daniele Richiedei,viola Carlo Costalbano, cello Matteo Zurletti, piano Elena Pasotti
Vittorio Parisi director
Heather Buck – Susanna; Oliver Mercer –
Tassi in Trinity Wall Street NOVUS production
"Artemisia, on the other hand, is sumptuous on every level...Schwendinger’s score is striking."
-SF Classical Voice
‘Artemisia lasts just 80 minutes, but fits in big
themes set to music of quivering intensity"
- NY Times

Trinity Wall Street workshop of Artemisia with Marnie Breckenridge
Left Coast Ensemble in rehearsals with Marnie Breckenridge, Bethany Cofland and Matilda Hofman
“an acute sonic imagination and sure command of craft”
-Chicago Tribune
"darkly attractive, artful and moving…" -NY Times
“it evokes a sense of serene mystery
and infinite beauty” -Fanfare

Richard Troxell and Augusta Caso in
rehearsal for Artemisia with Trinity Wall Street
Sara Jobin, Director, Kevin Johnson-Cosimo
Daniel Folz-Morrison-Tassi, Jennifer Sgroe
Rehearsals for Nov 3. performance at

Center for Contemporary Opera preview, Artemisia
Leonard Nimoy Thalia Theatre, Saturday November 3rd, 2018
2537 Broadway at 95th Street
By Laura Elise Schwendinger, With Libretto by Ginger Strand
Conductor Sara Jobin, Stage Director Fred Ambrose
Pianist Jerome Tan
Artemisia Augusta Caso
Tommaso Blake Friedman
Susanna Jennifer Sgroe
Abra/Tuzia Anastasiya Roytman
Elder 1 Daniel Folz-Morrison
Elder 2 Kevin Johnson
Adam Keunzal plays Aurora
Atlantic Center Master residency
Feb 24
UW Iowa, Concert to celebrate Olly Wilson
Schwendinger Sinfonietta and more
Feb 12 2019
Far Over the Misty Mountains,
Aaron Hill's UNR Oboe Recital
Feb 10 2019
High Wire Act
Collage New Music, Boston with Lash, Shepard,
Park and David Rakowski's music, http://www.collagenewmusic.org/concert-info-and-tickets/concert2
Jan 28
Phillip Bush, Ari Streisfeld, Rachel Calloway Streisfeld, and Claire Bryant, brilliant musicians all, are on this show. Music by Laura Elise Schwendinger, Caroline Shaw, Alvin Singleton, Gabriela Lena Frank, Philip Glass, \Kamala Sankaram, and Judith Weir. At the Columbia Museum of Art.
Laura, JACK Quartet, Christopher Taylor and Jamie Van Eyck at Oktaven Studios during recording session of Creature Quartet
JACK named Ensemble of the year by Musical America. Laura's CD mentioned in Strings magazine
Laura signs exclusive publishing catalog contract with Keiser Southern
Jan 26
All the Pretty Little Horses,
Ensemble 4 These Times, San Francisco
Jan 25-27

CHAI based in Chicago are dedicated to performing substantial and approachable programs of mixed vocal and instrumental chamber music. Our repertoire runs the gamut, ranging from beloved classics to newly commissioned works, with many hidden gems
Jan 25th-27th https://www.chaicollaborative.org/
Jan 20
Eclipse, Durward Music, https://www.facebook.com/events/236934557208382/ Coe College, Iowa
Dec 2
Adam Kuenzel, Minnesota Orchestra Principal Flutist, Minnesota Orchestra
JOYA Conert Series, featuring music of Poulenc, Martinu and Schwendinger (Aurora). Zion Lutheran Church. Anoka, MN
Nov 18
Faculty Recital of Amy I-Lin Cheng, piano
University of Michigan
Earl V. Moore Building - Britton Recital Hall
Repertoire for this evening’s recital will be Mozart’s Fantasy in C Minor, K. 396, Schumann’s Fantasy in C Major, Op. 17, Laura Schwendinger’s Van Gogh Nocturnes for Solo Piano (2008), and Debussy’s Petite Suite for Piano Four Hands with Hyejin Cho, piano.
Nov 2
Center for Contemporary Opera, excerpt
from Artemisia, Sara Jobin, conductor
Symphony Space, NY
Laura, Matt Madden, and Tracie Morris, Master Artists, Atlantic Center for the Arts, Residency #170. July 2018

Laura receives MacDowell and Yaddo fellowships for
Summer 2020, 2018 (an eleven time awardee)
84 Artists Awarded MacDowell Fellowships for Summer Residencies
Press Release – April 23, 2018
Press Releases Artist News Fellowships
The MacDowell Colony has awarded fellowships to 84 artists from 18 states and six countries, from Colorado to Virginia and from Portugal to Nigeria. They are working in seven disciplines, and 43 percent identify as culturally diverse while 56 percent are women. The fellowships are for upcoming summer residencies at one of the nation’s leading contemporary arts organizations.
The incoming group of MacDowell Fellows includes Pulitzer Prize-winning author Andrew Sean Greer, poet Monica Youn, composers Mark Dresser, Laura Schwendinger, and Kate Soper, performance artist John Kelly, playwrights Brian Selznick and Rebecca Taichman,
filmmakers João Rui Guerra da Mata and João Pedro Rodrigues, and visual artists Nayland Blake, Tod Lippy, and Mary Lum.

JACK is Musical America's Ensemble of the year!
"Gestural and yet powerfully organized, Schwendinger’s voice is highly individual. The performance by the JACK Quartet is impeccable, and as a
studio recording it is technically more secure than the live Vimeo video. The sheer intensity of both music and performance thereof is spellbinding, as if the passion of the composer for her subject shines through like a light."
-Colin Clarke-
On Albany Records Youtube Channel
Excerpt on Vimeo of Animated Version, premiere, featuring animations by
Pauline Gagniarre; https://vimeo.com/246846582
Oct 27
Michael Strauss Violist, performs
FOR PARIS at University of Indianapolis
FOR PARIS at Viola Day with Michael Strauss - University of Indianapolis Indianapolis IN +
Christel DeHaan Fine Arts Center
Oct 20
Violinist in My Life, Eleanor Bartsch and Larry Axelrod, Chicago Composer's Consortium, Chicago
Sept 23
May 17
May 6 2018
April 3
Three Movements for solo viola, with Kurt Rohde's
New viola works
May 17 – UC Davis, 12 noon
May 18 – Center for New Music, 7pm
Dates in April TBA in Georgia
Chicago Composer’s Consortium
Until the Sunrise, Lakeshore Rush
May 4
Co-winners of the 2018 University of Washington, Strings and Piano Chamber Competition, Daisha—perform music by Beethoven, Schwendinger, and Brahms in the year-end UW performance by this talented group of undergraduates coached by faculty cellist Sæunn Thorsteinsdóttir- UW Seattle
Beethoven: Piano Trio in C Minor, Op. 1 No. 3; Schwendinger: C'e la Luna Questa Sera?; Brahms: Piano Trio in B Major, Op. 8; https://music.washington.edu/events/2018-05-04/scholarship-chamber-group-daisha
March 23
March 16
“Sounding Beckett” The Intersection of Music and Drama, featuring the Cygnus Ensemble in Footfalls
A two-day event focused on music inspired by the playwright, Samuel Beckett. Featuring a concert by New York’s Cygnus Ensemble, instrumental master classes, a lecture and panel discussion with Patricia Boyette, UW-Madison professor of theatre & drama, and a reading/workshop of student composers’ pieces.
March 10
Feb 27 2018
"Rapture", Joshua Gordon and Randy Hodgkinson at Brandeis with an eclectic program: Farrenc, Schuller and Kodály
Aurora, a NFA Young Artist Competition Commission
performed 7 times at The National Flute Association
National Convention!
Premiered by Adam Kuenzel, principal flute of the Minnesota Orchestra, and
semifinalists: Alison Fierst, Victor Wang,
Hannah Leffler, Pauline Jung and Daniel Gallagher
Available through Presser
Reviews, May 21, 2017
Boston Music Intelligencer For Artist's Muse, by Leon Golub
Chameleon Paints With Music
"The Artist’s Muse for flute, clarinet, cello, piano and percussion, a world premiere Koussevitsky Commission from Laura Elise Schwendinger, followed. Without the mediation of words, the composer proceeded directly to the inspiration behind the painter’s work, bringing to life the women behind seven famous masterpieces, as though honoring but also contesting the visual surface. Throughout, Boldin’s flute served beautifully as the ongoing voice of the perennial muse, the elusive “Other” constructed
by the gaze of male painters. A short introduction took us out of linear time, William Manley’s percussion especially effective in plunging us into vanished realms, from the enigmatic interiority of a 15th-century Young Girl by Petrus Christus, to the concluding gold-patterned swirl of Klimt’s Adele Bloch-Bauer. Picasso’s Jacqueline appeared with all
of her modernist angst, Cézanne’s wife moved bodily in a poignant waltz, Leonardo’s Cecilia Gallerani stroked her elegant carnivorous ermine, and Vermeer’s Girl with a Pitcher appeared with staccatos in the piano and pizzicatos in the strings, bathed in the light of percussion as she poured her milk. With a sudden twist of waltz, so to speak, the mood darkened as the eternal muse took the form of Sargent’s Madame X, cosmopolitan and scandalous, high-priestess of intoxication and city lights, followed in conclusion by her more vulnerable sister, gold-shimmering Adele Bloch-Bauer, vestal and victim, muse and mourner. Schwendinger’s delightful piece effectively transformed my own gaze on the Artist’s Muse by introducing a competing muse of flesh and bone, hardship and failure, grievance and glory, behind the painter’s still-life effigy."
“The chamber works grouped together on this captivating disc show off Laura Elise Schwendinger’s acute ear for unusual textures. In these works, scored for solo violin; nonet; violin and guitar; or a quintet of flute, piano and strings, she sketches musical short stories of somnambulant fragility and purpose. The color palette she draws from these modest forces is v
aried and expressive — and brilliantly rendered by a fine roster of performers." (Fonseca-Wollheim), The New York Times
“This was shrewd composing, the genuine article. Onto the 'season's best list' it goes.” (Richard Buell), The Boston Globe
Mead Witter School of Music Colloquium Series
Laura Schwendinger presents "Artemisia: an opera of passion, betrayal and art in 17th century Italy"September 29, 2017
The UW-Madison School of Music Colloquium Series meets on select Fridays, 4:00-5:30pm, during fall and spring semesters. Speakers come from within the School of Music, the larger campus community, as well as from other academic institutions and musically-related organizations throughout the United States. All Colloquia are free and open to the public. This Colloquium Series is funded by the UW-Madison School of Music and organized by the School of Music Colloquium Committee
1-3, 2018
Featured Composer at Washington State University's Festival of Contemporary Art Music (FOCAM),
School of Music at College of Arts
Presenting lectures, masterclasses, coaching, and her music to
be featured on the final dedicated evening concert
Feb 15
Cygnus plays Schwendinger's Beckett
work "Footfalls" at Sarah Lawrence
Records Schwendinger, Biscardi
Feb 4
Over the Misty Mountains for solo oboe,
US Premiere with Aaron Hill, UW-Madison
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Jan 30
Juan Pechuan Ramirez (prinicipal oboe of Deutsche Oper, Berlin) premieres
Over the Misty Mountains for solo oboe,
work dedicatee; February 4, Valencia Spain, Sala Matisse, València
Dec 5
Duward Music Ensemble, Eclipse for large mixed Ensemble. ISU,Normal
Nov 19 2017
Aviary (14:00) Western Percussion Ensemble
Anthony DiSanza, director.(2015) or the songs of imaginary birds, afterhours
Nov 11, 12
Oct 9
Oct 3
Taos Chamber Music Group,
Rumor for flute and cello
Harwood Museum of Art in Taos
Duo Cortona
Ari Streisfeld, Rachel Calloway-
Love Sonnets, settings of Shakespeare; University of South Carolina
Duo Cortona
Ari Streisfeld, Rachel Calloway
Love Sonnets, settings of Shakespeare
College of Charleston
Duo Cortona-
Ari Streisfeld, Rachel Calloway
Love Sonnets, settings of Shakespeare
College Hall, New Music New College
Sarasota Florida

Aurora for flute and piano, an NFA 2017 Young Artist Commission
Hildegarde Publication, Available through Presser
Articles in CAP Times
Supported by The Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation
The most recent round of Discovery Grants attracted 68 applicants, and an independent adjudication panel selected seven composers to receive a total of $100,000.
The recipients are Julia Adolphe, Mary Ellen Childs for On Beyond, Emily Doolittle, Nkeiru Okoye , Rene Orth, Elena Ruehr and Laura Elise Schwendinger for Artemisia. The third round of Discovery Grants to be awarded since the program’s inception.
Artemisia is a co-commission from Trinity Wall Street Novus,
NY and the Left Coast Ensemble, SF.
At WFMT Chicago
USF Chamber Music Recital
Guest Artist Patricia Green, Mezzo- soprano, collaborates with Resident Artists violinist Carolyn Stuart, cellist Scott Kluksdahl, and pianist Svetozar Ivanov featuring works by Laura Schwendinger
Irish Composition Summer School 2016
Laura Elise Schwendinger as Guest Director, who will present seminars on her own work, as well as giving individual tutorials to all students. Martin O'Leary and Gráinne Mulvey will give daily guidance and lectures. Our performers are the Robinson Panoramic Quartet.
NY Times
At Guggenheim Foundation
Trinity Wall Street Choir with Julian Wachner and Matt Haimovitz perform Six Choral Settings at Carnegie Hall

Aug 2017
July 2017
Durwood Music Ensemble
performs Brushstrokes
Kirkwood Community College-Cedar Rapids 8/24- Luther Memorial Chapel, Grand View University-Des Moines 8/26
Young ArtistCompetition Commission
National Flute Association Conference
Premiere with Minnesota Orchestra Principal Flute Adam Kuenzel http://www.nfaonline.org/Annual-Convention/Competitions/Young-Artist.aspx
with Adam Kuenzel, principal flute of the Minnesota Orchestra, and semifinalists:Alison Fierst, Victor Wang, Hannah Leffler, Pauline Jung and Daniel Gallagher

Artemisia in San Francisco with Left Coast Chamber ensemble
Jul 25, 26 2017
Tallis Festival performances by Faculty Artists. High Wire Act and C'e La Luna Questa Sera?
featuring Benjamin Peled, Sæunn Thorsteinsdóttir, Natsuki Fukasawa, Beatriz Blanco and fellows Erina Saito, Hilary Jones, Tonya Burton and Michael Siess
May 20, 21
March 25
ARTIST'S MUSE with the Chameleon Arts Ensemble, a Koussevitzky Commission
Reviews; May 21, 2017
Boston Music Intelligencer
Chameleon Paints With Music
“For Paris,” a world premiere for solo viola and choir by Laura Schwendinger, Concert Choir
and Sally Chisholm, viola. Beverly Taylor, Conductor and “Après moi, le deluge” by Luna Pearl Woolf- UW CONCERT CHOIR WITH MATT HAIMOVITZ